You don’t have to dress up well & apply make up all over you

Categories: Blog, Wisdom

You don't have to dress up well & apply make up all over you to show people what you are not - Tejas Patel

I love to be me. I don’t have to dress up well and apply make up all over me to show people what I am not. In fact, it is so easy for me to say what I mean and mean what I say without thinking a lot. I don’t bother whether people accept me the way I am or not. I am here in this beautiful world to maintain such a relation with you that  you will find it difficult to forget me in your whole life time. ~ Tejas Patel

Your appearance and how you choose to present yourself to others is entirely up to you. You don’t need to dress up or apply makeup to prove your worth or show people who you are. Your authenticity, confidence, and inner qualities are what truly define you as a person, and they are not dependent on external appearance or material possessions.

It’s important to remember that everyone has their own unique style and preferences when it comes to fashion and grooming. Some people enjoy dressing up and wearing makeup as a form of self-expression or creativity, while others prefer a more natural or casual look. Both choices are valid and don’t determine your worth or value as a person.

Embracing your true self, regardless of how you choose to dress or present yourself, is empowering and liberating. It allows you to be authentic and genuine, and it attracts people who appreciate and accept you for who you are. Don’t feel pressured to conform to societal standards or expectations. Confidence and self-acceptance come from within and are not solely based on external appearances. Embrace your uniqueness and let your true self shine!

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