Go ahead and say Hello to your enemies

Categories: Blog, Let go & Move on

Go ahead and say Hello to your enemies - Tejas Patel

Go ahead and say Hello to your enemies. By doing this you are freeing yourself from negative and hate thoughts for them. Even if they don’t say a word, don’t get upset and be proud that you are always nice to people without worries for what they did to you. ~ Tejas Patel

Saying hello to someone who has hurt or wronged you may seem counterintuitive, but it can actually be a powerful way to free yourself from negative and hateful thoughts. When you hold onto anger and resentment towards someone, it only hurts you in the end. It can consume your thoughts and emotions, creating a toxic cycle of negativity that can weigh you down.

By saying hello to your enemies, you are taking the first step towards forgiveness and letting go of those negative emotions. It doesn’t mean that you have to forget what they did or condone their actions, but it does mean that you are choosing to release the hold they have on your emotions.

In addition, being kind and polite to someone who has wronged you shows strength and maturity. It demonstrates that you are not willing to stoop to their level or let their actions dictate your behavior. Instead, you are able to rise above the situation and maintain your dignity.

Ultimately, saying hello to your enemies is about taking control of your own emotions and reactions. It allows you to move forward with positivity and peace, rather than being weighed down by anger and bitterness.

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